Find out more about what I do and how we could work together by clicking on the button below.
I’m Ruth Baldacchino, a social justice expert and activist, LGBTQI rights advocate and participatory philanthropy expert with a focus on gender justice.
With a foundation in intersectional feminism, and expertise in trans, anti-gender movements, intersex and sex worker’s rights and issues, I navigate organisational culture to foster meaningful change.
Join me in my mission to transforming the world in a more equitable place.
About Me

About Me
Throughout my twenty-year career, I’ve had the privilege of supporting various organisations, governments and activist groups in their endeavours to bring about positive change.
My expertise lies in supporting philanthropic, non-profit, governmental and public sector organisations and entities to craft strategies, policies and programmes deeply rooted in feminist social and gender justice principles.

If any of these areas resonate with you or your organisation, please get in touch to find out more on how we can work together.
My Work & What I Stand For
I’ve had the privilege of working with world-changing organisations, activist groups, government agencies and universities, which has given me insight into every aspect of policy development.
My expertise extends to a range of areas, including strategic planning, organisational development and policy advising. As a queer person and LGBTQI activist, I bring both lived experience and professional expertise to the projects I work on.
Policy and Research
Social Justice and Human Rights
Organisational Development and Culture
Advocacy and Communication

Movements, Rights & Issues